Putting your employees at risk is morally wrong; it also breaches health and safety laws. By putting people at risk you could be the reason why they become injured or involved in an accident at work. You would have to live with the guilt and could face being prosecuted by the HSE and sued by the person who was hurt. Health and Safety training courses can help you to recognise if you are doing enough to prevent your workers being exposed to risks.

The IOSH and NEBOSH have several excellent courses that will teach you some important skills for the workplace. You can find out areas of weakness and work on implementing new policies and procedures to protect those who are working hard for you.

How Can You Do More

One of the first things to do is conduct a risk assessment for each of the jobs that are being carried out. You also need to get used to performing risk assessments for each new job that comes in. The assessment needs to be complete, taking into consideration the work that is being carried out, any items, equipment and gear being used, the environment where the work is taking place and the person/persons performing the tasks. The point of the assessment is to highlight any hazards or risks that could be missed without carefully examining the job. By highlighting these hazards you can move towards successfully eradicating any potential dangers in your working environment.

Once the assessment has been completed and new safety measures introduced you need to discuss it with the affected employees. Make it clear what is expected of them and how important each step is for their own safety, and the safety of their colleagues and the public. Communication is vital for health and safety so remember to include it in your managing style.

Learn more about reducing the risks with an IOSH Managing Safely or NEBOSH General Certificate course. The training covers the production and monitoring of risk assessments as well as how to spot the hazards in your workplace. You will also learn different managing practices and principles and how to plan, create and implement actions and working methods.

Call us on 0808 1966 830 and ask us about our wide range of health and safety training courses.

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