Manual handling is one of the topics covered in the CCNSG Safety Passport. As manual handling is responsible for more than a third of the injuries caused at work it is an area that needs to be tackled head on. There are all sorts of injuries caused by manual activities, which can include repetitive injuries and one-off injuries. Thankfully with the right training and information on how to work on health and safety within the construction industry these injuries can be reduced.

CCNSG Training Reduces the Risks

Manual handling injuries not only affect the person who is dealing with the pain, they can lead to implications to the employer. It is possible that the injured person could seek compensation, would need time off work and may make a complaint to the HSE. These all lead to expenses and other problems which is why training in the theories of manual handling is necessary. Each employee needs to know how to lift and move as part of their training and employees have a legal duty to make sure their employees are not put at risk.

When considering lifting activities you need to consider what each individual is capable of. Take into consideration the type of objects being lifted, the environment surrounding the lifting, how the work is organised and any training that is required to do the task. In order to reduce the risk of injury it is necessary to:

  • Reduce twisting while lifting along with over reaching and stooping
  • Come up with ways of ensuing that lifting from the floor or above the shoulder is avoided
  • Alter storage areas to improve manual handling activities
  • Work out ways of reducing the distance objects must be carried or moved
  • Decide if workers need additional assistance to lift or move loads

Improving Manual Handling in the Workplace

There are different ways that you can reduce the risks when lifting. You may need to introduce specialised lifting equipment or assign more people to help perform the manual handling. It’s important that the walkways are clear from obstructions and clean so there isn’t any slipping or tripping hazards.

Learn more about manual handling and other vital health and safety elements on the CCNSG Safety Passport. Book your place online or call us on 0808 1966 830.

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