Environmental management courses and training are both necessary to ensure you meet with legislation and hit targets in reducing the effects your company has on the environment. There are some fantastic ways of cutting down on C02 and even reducing your own expenses, so training is an excellent investment for any company.

Here are Some Tips Before You Attend You Environmental Management Course

One of the topics that are covered on such courses is waste management. We have some tips to help get you started before you go on your environmental management training course:

  1. Learn how much waste your entire company produces. You can do a quick visual check by looking at all of the bins just before they are due to be collected by the trucks. Make a note of how many bins there are, the size of the bins and the how full they are. You should also make a record of how often the trucks come. That will give you an idea of how much you produce within a set timeframe.
  2. Once you know how much you create it is then time to work to reduce the amount. You can do this by changing operations, suppliers and the services that you use. You could also reuse and recycle more by deciding what materials can be sent to the recycling centre.
  3. Have a look at who collects recyclable materials in your area. Ask how they reuse the materials and ensure that they are genuine to ensure that the waste doesn’t end up in the landfill. There are different companies that deal with different types of waste materials. You may be able to have them collected at different times of the year and at different frequencies depending on how much you produce.
  4. You will then need to separate the different materials by providing bins all over the company. It makes things easier to manage if there are different bins for different items such as paper, plastic, metals and food.

Environmental management training can give you more in-depth methods of controlling and reducing your waste. You can also learn about saving energy and more on courses such as the IEMA Certificate in Environmental Management. Call us on 0808 1966 830 to book your place today.

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